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The Collegiate Church of St Peter at Westminster, better known as Westminster Abbey, was founded by England's only rule saint, Edward the Confessor, in the eleventh century. Since then it has been the venue for every coronation, it is the burial place of thirteen kings and sixteen queens and some of the most important people in the England's history.

  • Henry VII's Lady Chapel, a fifteenth century addition to the main abbey, has been described as a wonder of the world for the delicacy of its stonework

  • Poets' Corner is the burial place of Chaucer, the father of English letters, Dickens one of the most popular of the nation's authors and Johnson, writer of the first popularly used dictionary of the English language and then man we can can all blame for making English so difficult to spell!

  • Elizabeth I and her elder sister Queen  Mary are buried side-by-side 'partners in throne and grave'.

  • Also buried within the Abbey is their cousin, the tragic Mary Queen of Scots.

  • But most of all, Westminster Abbey is a work of art in itself – a testament in stone to the faith and devotion of the men and women who have worshipped here for centuries.


The tour of Westminster Abbey typically lasts around three hours. Please contact me for information on times, availability and prices.

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